For most people, starting a new job means becoming a slightly altered version of themselves, adapting their personalities to suit the ways of their new employer. wagamama does things differently.
At wagamama, we know there are brilliant people out there who don’t naturally fit into your average working environment. They may think differently or do things in a way that goes beyond the norm. And yet, more often than not, they stand out from the crowd for a very good reason.
Because their difference brings our restaurants to life!
When you walk into a wagamama – pick any at random – you’ll see exactly what we mean. There are all kinds of people serving at the tables and working in the kitchen. We’ve got show-stopping, lights-camera-action, vivacious types, and we’ve got people who aren’t quite as loud but, when they do pipe up, they’ll make you roll around laughing.
It only dawned on us a few years ago that we’d developed our own style of recruitment. That it was 100% personality driven – and that it sets us apart. So we decided to define and celebrate it.
Be yourself
We started by devising a phrase that has become as intrinsic to our identity as our pan-Asian cooking style – “be you. be wagamama.”
It’s a phrase that helps you, as a brilliant individual who may be looking for your next opportunity, to know that we’re your kind of company. It helps to reassure our existing people that we respect their choices.
It’s important to say at this point that it’s not just about the way we look. Nor is it about trying to be wacky or anything so try-hard. After all, this is a serious restaurant business. We’ve been around since 1992 and we’ve worked incredibly hard to become one of the nation’s favourite restaurants.
So, what does “be you. be wagamama” mean to us? It’s a feeling that, no matter how individual everyone working here may be, there’s one thing that unites us all. Our commitment to spreading positivity from bowl to soul, through our love of great food cooked with the freshest ingredients.
Your fair share
We know that behind every great wagamama experience are great wagamama people.
And, believe us, we seriously appreciate it! That’s why we were the first high-street restaurant chain to make a point of saying that all of our restaurant teams share fairly in their restaurant’s tips. They’re the ones out there earning them, after all!
But that’s just the “tip” of the iceberg, if you’ll excuse the pun. Because there are loads of other rewards and benefits we offer. Just to say, “Thanks a lot!”
From a free meal on every shift or discounts when eating here with family and friends, to a generous 28 days’ holiday, you can rest assured you’ll be well taken care of at wagamama. After all, you’re going all-out for us so we try to give back as much as you put in.
Next move
Here’s what we recommend you do now. Head to to find out more.
Even better, head into a wagamama near you to see for yourself what it’s all about. Soak up the vibe and find out if you can see yourself working with us. We promise you won’t be disappointed.
We can’t wait to hear from you!