The opportunity to relocate can be extremely exciting for many individuals. It may be that your employer is changing location and you’re going to move with them, or perhaps you’re just looking for a new challenge, which might even be in a completely different sector. However, while the thought of the big move may appeal to you, it can be a huge step regardless of whether you’re moving abroad or staying within the UK. As such, it’s important that you weigh up all the pros and cons before making the final decision. So what questions should you be asking yourself?
What about my family?
If you’re married or have a long term partner who will be coming with you, it’s important that you’re both 100% happy to move to the new location. You need to think about how easily they’ll adapt and settle into a new area. Do they make friends easily? Are they open to new experiences? On top of this, you have a new job that you’re going into, but will your partner be able to find work quickly? Of course, this depends on the sector they work in and the area you’re moving to, but it’s important that the two of you discuss all possible outcomes before making a final decision.
You may also have children to think about, and it can often be extremely difficult to persuade them to leave their friends behind. Make sure you do thorough research into local schools and the education system in general and, depending on the ages of children, think about any implications that a move could have on their grades.
Will it be cost effective?
Your new role may be appealing because of a higher salary and other benefits, but it’s important that you think of the wider implications of moving. For instance, how much is it going to cost to relocate in the first instance? What are the house prices like? Is the cost of living any better? It’s also fundamental that you research into the job market. It could be that the move will lead onto fantastic career opportunities, but you need to know how you can make best use of the job market.
Will I fit in with the culture?
Of course, this isn’t so important if you’re moving within the same country. However, if you’re going abroad, it’s fundamental to think about any cultural differences that could affect how well you settle into a new area. Consider the hobbies that you enjoy outside of work – will you still be able to do them in the new location? And don’t forget that you’ll be open to different experiences so you’ll have the option to explore other interests. It’s also important that you talk to people who have already made the move to the area. Find out what it’s really like and ask about the challenges and opportunities they came across. There’s no substitute for getting information straight from the horse’s mouth.
Do I have a backup plan?
No matter how much you research and prepare, there are some things that you can’t control and so it’s always important to have a backup plan. If it doesn’t work out or you need to come home due to unforeseen circumstances, you need to make sure that this will be possible.
It’s clear that relocating for a job can provide you with great experiences to really enhance your career, but there are always important considerations before making the move. You need to be sure that it’s the right decision – both for you and those closest to you – and aren’t just acting on impulse. Good luck!