Are you considering a career as a teacher? there are few jobs that are as challenging – or as satisfying…
massively rewarding
What do you remember most about school? Chances are it will be an inspirational Teacher who has contributed to making you the person you are today. As an educator, you’ll make a massive difference in the lives of young people, even when you’re not aware of it. You may not know how many kids have taken your words of wisdom to heart and will go on to repeat them to their own children years down the line; but it will happen.
It’s both booming and stable
As well as job satisfaction, teaching offers great employment prospects and job security, as well as good training and opportunities for promotion. Nine out of 10 newly qualified Teachers are employed within six months of completing their training, and 70% are still in the profession after five years*.
chance to earn a good salary
As a newly qualified Teacher, you’ll begin on a salary of at least £22,467 (or £28,098 in inner London). As you rise up the pay ranges, you could earn as much as £108,283 as a Head Teacher (more in inner London). Teachers can also get additional teaching and learning responsibility (TLR) payments for taking on extra responsibilities – these range from £2,640 to £12,898 per annum*.
satisfying challenge
We all know imparting knowledge to children and teenagers isn’t a walk in the park. Sometimes it will feel like you’re banging your head against a brick wall. Sometimes you may face serious opposition and even abuse in extreme situations. But when you finally reach that moment when a student gets it... that look of realisation dawns on their face and you know you’ve cracked something. That will make all your hard work worthwhile.
you will never be bored
In teaching, every day is different, and every child is different. Sure, you can plan your lessons – but you’ll need to be flexible because you never know what may come up. A truly great Teacher knows there are occasions where you need to put the curriculum on hold temporarily to help a child face their individual challenges.
share your passion
Not many people get to share their love of something every single day. If you love physics, can’t get enough of languages or adore great literature, you can gift this passion to the next generation. It will be satisfying for you while also encouraging greater understanding in your students.
the same days off as your kids
When it comes to work/life balance, a career in teaching is perfect – particularly if youhave children of your own. Most people will have to work hard to make sure their children are kept entertained and properly looked after during the school holidays – especially during the summer. The school calendar, however, will typically allow you to have the same days off as your kids. And that’s not only an advantage in the holidays. Even during term-time, while you may often have homework and marking to get through, you will probably be getting home close to the same time as they do.
Great perks
Education offers some great benefits, including long holidays (although you’ll work protracted hours during term time), a generous pension scheme and private healthcare. If you teach at a university or college, staff can also use on-site facilities such as sports centres, cinemas and libraries, often free or at discounted rates.
You came into the job to teach maths, science or English. You now also run clubs, referee sports days, break up fights, do counselling – and you know the names of all the members of The 1975 and 5 Seconds Of Summer!
It’s fun
Working with young people will help to keep you young. There’s lots of laughter, and when you bond with your class, learning can be truly entertaining and a lot of fun – that goes for the Teacher, too!