Women in the Workforce
Interest grows in women returners
“I took a four-year break in my IT career as a software tester after the birth my second child and because of my husband’s demanding job. Now I want to go back to work, but I don’t now how to highlight my skills and convince recruiters to hire me. As the field is quiet competitive, Continue reading..
Exploding the myths of homeworking
Over 4.2 million people in the UK work regularly from home, an increase of more than 800,000 since 2005, and the number is still rising. But who are these homeworkers? Analysis just published by the TUC for National Work from Home Day last week provides some interesting information and busts a few myths. For one, Continue reading..
Creating a new work culture
How do we change work culture to make it not only more family friendly, but more human friendly? As poll after poll shows employees often rate flexible working higher than pay rises and more than six months after the government extending flexible working legislation to all employees, why is it not the default setting of Continue reading..
Is there a solution to the summer holiday childcare challenge?
The election has seen the political parties vying for who can offer the best deal on childcare. But most of the policies have focused on early years childcare when many parents find the school years more of a challenge – particularly single parents. The lack of childcare provision over the holidays or after school finishes Continue reading..
Gender transition
There’s been much in the news recently on the pressures on young girls. A recent study by University College London and the Anna Freud Centre showed, for instance, that emotional problems among girls aged 11-13 have risen by 55% in the last five years. Another report showed demands for counselling due to exam stress had Continue reading..
Growing a flexible business
How do you grow a flexible start-up into a flexible middle-sized SME without losing something of the work culture that allowed the business to grow and prosper in the first place? It’s a big problem for start-ups who totally grasp the benefits of flexible working, but as they grow are forced to develop policies which Continue reading..
2015: the year of shared parental leave and greater equality at work and home?
2015 sees the introduction of a new right for mums and dads to share the year of leave after their baby is born. It’s a major change, but many employers and employees are still unclear of how it will work despite employees being allowed to request it since early December. Part of the reason is Continue reading..
The extension of flexible working – six months on
It’s just over six months since new legislation came in which entitles all employees to request flexible working. The aim was to level the playing field so employees did not feel parents and carers were getting special treatment and to create a more flexible working culture. But how has the legislation gone down so far? Continue reading..
Doing more than one job: the new norm?
The number of people doing more than one job is increasing. For some it is the only way to get by in the current financial climate. Others find it gives them greater flexibility and more independence if they adopt what is referred to as a “portfolio career”. A recent survey found the number of people Continue reading..
You calling me un-committed?
A recent survey of employees by employment law and discrimination solicitors Doyle Clayton found 20% of staff think flexible and part-time workers are less committed than their colleagues, with Generation Y workers, aged 25 to 34, most likely to hold negative opinions. The perception of lack of commitment is one that persists and even if Continue reading..