
Back to School!
Working in the education sector – whether as a teacher or support staff – has many advantages Education is the third largest sector in the UK in terms of workforce, employing 1.5 million people in the public sector alone. This doesn’t just include teachers in a traditional school environment – some teachers work in adult Continue reading..

Class Acts!
Education offers a variety of job roles, from working with preschool children and those with special needs to supporting pupils outside the normal curriculum! Choosing a career in education isn’t as simple as just deciding to become a teacher. There are lots of paths you can take, and which one you pick will depend on Continue reading..

Learn to Teach
Being a teacher is so much more than standing at the front of a class talking to a group of pupils. here’s how to get into this fulfilling profession! For anyone wishing to pursue a rewarding and progressive career, teaching – with its myriad options and flexibility – comes high on the list of Continue reading..

Reaching Higher!
Teaching isn’t all about children. You can also pass your knowledge on to older and mature students in further and higher education! Young adults in England are now obliged to continue their education in some form – either full-time, part-time or as an apprentice or trainee – until they’re 18. This expansion of the further- Continue reading..

Subject Matters!
What does the National Curriculum involve and how is it taught to pupils in England? we find out! Education is an ever-changing field, and that has been more true than ever in recent years. In September 2014, following a government review, the entire school curriculum was changed for maintained schools throughout England in order to Continue reading..

“I Love my Job in Teaching”
You always remember a good teacher… Here, three teachers explain why they enjoy their chosen profession so much! Darren Patten, 52, is the Learning Manager for Maritime Studies at City College Southampton “I came into teaching from industry five years ago. I’d been a boat builder for 30 years, starting as an apprentice then moving Continue reading..

Why Teach?
BECAUSE Not only is this a profession that offers a job for life but it also gives you the chance to make a big difference! Let’s face it, teaching doesn’t always get a good press but this is a job where, with skill, you can inspire and when it comes to job satisfaction this is Continue reading..

A Desire to Inspire
Could you energise the next generation? If so, teaching needs many smart young people like you to help educate others. For those keen to explore teaching as a career path, the good news is there’s never been a more flexible way to do it. Multiple training programmes exist and more funding opportunities, too, to help Continue reading..

I Love my Job in Teaching
‘If you can, teach’ the advertising slogan suggests and these teachers all love the profession they’ve chosen. Think back to your school days and chances are you can remember a teacher who inspired you. Having a teacher who’s passionate about their job, despite its tough demands, makes all the difference. Helping others develop and achieve Continue reading..

Take it further
Want to inspire the next generation of young adults? Then teaching the over 16s could be just the job for you. Now it’s compulsory in England for those aged 16+ to stay in education or training, opportunities in further education have expanded. Currently, three million students over 16 are in the further education (FE) sector. Continue reading..