
Telephone interview tips
So, you’ve got a telephone interview? Great! Your application has clearly made a good first impression and the employers would like to know more about you. Now you have to opportunity to build on your early success and seal the deal. We’ve put together 10 simple tips to help you make the best impression and maximise Continue reading..

Any Questions?
You’ve been invited for a job interview – now what? James caan gives his sage advice on how to nail it and get the job! Is it important how I dress for an interview in this day and age? I personally believe that presentation ranks very highly, because first impressions are hard to change. Whether Continue reading..

The Interview
Guest editor Sarah Willingham tells you how to bag that job! Getting an interview in this fiercely competitive jobs market can be a coup in itself. Unless you want to mess it up by being underprepared, follow Sarah’s tips and you will have the advantage when you walk through that door armed with a big Continue reading..

Willingham and Able
BEST-Known for her recent stint on BBC’s Dragons’ Den, Sarah Willingham started her career waitressing – and is now a multimillionaire Sarah, 43, is currently in Australia’s Botany Bay in the middle of a round- the-world year-long trip she has taken with her husband, Michael Toxvaerd, and their four children: Minnie, Monti, Nelly and Marly, Continue reading..
Being authoritative in the interview process
The interview process is daunting for anyone. Regardless of an individual’s professional history or even how many times they have been to an interview, everyone will have some form of anxiety ahead of such a meeting. However, it’s important to note that this is by no means a weakness, in fact nerves can be beneficial Continue reading..
Top tips for graduate interview success
The interview process doesn’t have to be daunting or difficult, with the right frame of mind and preparation. The only person stopping you from interview success is you. If you have been invited for your first interview, that means you’re well on your way to securing yourself a graduate job. So, here are the main Continue reading..
Perfecting your posture for interview success
Aimee Carmichael, from recruiter Morgan McKinley, explains why posture counts in an interview situation… As a well-prepared job hunter you’ll no doubt spend some time thinking about how you’ll answer those all-important interview questions, but what you may not realise is that prospective employers will have probably made up their mind about you before you Continue reading..
Nail the job you've always wanted!
Rather than thinking about an interview as a daunting audition, see it as a powerful catalyst for your future. And when the inevitable tricky questions start, you’ll be ready! The book, Nail That Interview by recruitment consultant, Tim Vincent, (£9.99, Vermilion) spells out the perfect steps to interview success. The right attitude Having the Continue reading..
An employer perspective: how do we view professional qualifications and certifications?
From an employer perspective how do we view professional qualifications and certifications? Professional qualifications/certs – what do we mean by this? What does this cover? Why are they important to us as an employer? How do we support people in developing these? The UK is an increasingly service based economy across a broad range of Continue reading..
Job applications: Online vs Face to Face
Job listings have changed considerably since the days of newspaper classified ads. With online CV’s and profiles becoming increasingly popular, you can now apply for hundreds of jobs at a time with the click of a button, without meeting anyone until the interview process begins, if it does at all. Online applications are incredibly fast, Continue reading..