
A Graduate’s Guide to Finding the Right Career!
You’re on your way to getting a degree, but what’s next? Here’s how to find your place in the world of work! The country’s top employers are upping their graduate recruitment by 4.3% this year, the fifth consecutive year in which graduate vacancies have grown. Yet despite this increase, the number of candidates applying for Continue reading..

Another Brick in the Wall!
With more than 150 roles to choose from, there’s something for everyone in the construction industry! There’s more to construction than hard hats, boots and high-vis jackets. With more than two million people in various construction jobs, the industry is one of the biggest and most diverse in the UK. And with a drive to Continue reading..

Art & Soul
Creative jobs are on the increase in the UK and this thriving industry is crying out for talented graduates! For many people, sitting behind a desk pushing paper all day fills them with dread. If you’re one such person, fear not. Those with a passion for creating will find careers out there that allow you Continue reading..
The graduate’s guide to creating the perfect CV
A good CV is essential when applying for graduate jobs. So taking the time to perfect your CV is vital to get the job you want. A well-crafted CV will show your career interests and highlight your most relevant skills and experience in the way recruiters like. There is no quick fix when writing your Continue reading..
How to Get a Graduate Job in Healthcare.
Looking for a medical job can be a daunting experience. With more than 350 different healthcare careers on offer with the NHS alone, it’s difficult to know where to begin. The good news is that the medical sector is one of the few industries that continued to grow throughout the recession, and is still growing Continue reading..
5 Surefire Ways to Get Your Foot in the Door
You may dream of blazing a trail into a new career, you’ve graduated with a good degree in hand, and you’ve researched everything there is to know about your dream company. Doing your homework is one thing, but that isn’t going to cut it when it comes to getting that first foot firmly wedged in Continue reading..
What next after graduation? How to give yourself the best chance in the job hunt
Congratulations! Graduation day has finally arrived and all of your hard work has been rewarded with a good university degree. While this is a fantastic achievement, you will also need to think about the next step in your career – and this means preparing for the often feared job-hunting period. Just like networking, interviewing and Continue reading..
New research shows female graduates increasingly seeking careers in male-dominated job sectors
Propensity for male graduates to look for careers in traditionally female-dominated job sectors has fallen over the last decade. New research from, the largest independent graduate jobs board in the UK, reveals that female graduates are increasingly seeking careers in traditionally male-dominated job sectors. Analysis of the career preferences of nearly 600,000 graduate job-seekers Continue reading..
Careless interns and grads beware!
Unbearably funny and cringe-worthy for anyone who’s put in serious office time at a large corporation, WIA was an excellent reminder of what makes for – and what definitely doesn’t make for – an impressive contribution at work. Livy Watson, intern-turned freelancer from Eyes Wide Opened, shares some handy Do’s and Don’ts… 1. Don’t overuse jargon and clichés. It makes Continue reading..
Preparation, Passion and Posture
Regardless of your interview experience, sitting in the hot seat can be a nerve-wracking time. Worrying that you’ll make a good personal impression as well as efficiently citing your professional ability is enough to make anyone shake. Preparation Using time wisely in the lead up to your interview is critical. This is your time, use Continue reading..