Government Initiatives
2015: the year of shared parental leave and greater equality at work and home?
2015 sees the introduction of a new right for mums and dads to share the year of leave after their baby is born. It’s a major change, but many employers and employees are still unclear of how it will work despite employees being allowed to request it since early December. Part of the reason is Continue reading..
Leaning in works both ways
According to Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg’s book Lean In, equal parenting – or something close to it – is crucial for women’s career progression. She says: “As women must be more empowered at work, men must be more empowered at home…We all need to encourage men to lean in to their families.” It’s a theme which Continue reading.. launches new campaign to help young people find work
One of the UK’s leading jobs websites,, is launching a new online campaign entitled ‘Job Academy’ to help young people find work. The campaign officially launches on Wednesday 2nd October. As part of the campaign, five young people have been invited to a top secret location, with the aim of making them more attractive to employers, Continue reading..