
Get Support at Work
Remploy helps over 9,000 people in work struggling with their mental health Remploy, the leading provider of employment and skills support for people with disabilities and health conditions, has now helped over 9,000 people struggling with mental ill health to stay in work through a specialist workplace support programme across the UK. The Access to Continue reading..
Home working: The future of employment?
Homeworking is becoming increasingly popular for a variety of reasons – cutting down on unnecessary commuting, being on hand for emergencies, being able to create the working conditions that suit you best… The Workingmums.co.uk annual survey shows that homeworking is the form of flexible working which would most encourage women to work full time after Continue reading..
Is this the end of 9-5?
Are we becoming a nation of second income earners? A recentĀ UK study by Herbalife has revealed some interesting statistics about our approach to working. It illustrates that the numbers of people working a second job are currently soaring in the UK – allowing us to boost our incomes, seek out additional opportunities we might not Continue reading..