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Pg 133 Learn to Teach

Learn to Teach

Being a teacher is so much more than standing at the front of a class talking to a group of pupils.   here’s how to get into this fulfilling profession! For anyone wishing to pursue a rewarding and progressive career, teaching – with its myriad options and flexibility – comes high on the list of Continue reading..

Pg 140 Reaching Higher

Reaching Higher!

Teaching isn’t all about children. You can also pass your knowledge on to older and mature students in further and higher education! Young adults in England are now obliged to continue their education in some form – either full-time, part-time or as an apprentice or trainee – until they’re 18. This expansion of the further- Continue reading..

Pg 160 I love my Job

“I Love my Job in Teaching”

You always remember a good teacher… Here, three teachers explain why they enjoy their chosen profession so much! Darren Patten, 52, is the Learning Manager for Maritime Studies at City College Southampton “I came into teaching from industry five years ago. I’d been a boat builder for 30 years, starting as an apprentice then moving Continue reading..

Pg 172-173 Ready for Retail

Ready for Retail?

The UK’s shops – whether located on a busy high street, a boutique arcade or online – offer a plethora of choices for job seekers! The British economy may be experiencing uncertain times, but if there’s one thing British people like to do, it’s shop. Retail is the UK’s largest private sector employer and generates Continue reading..

Pg 182 Here is the News

Here is the News!

Are you interested in communication? Creative with words or pictures, or both? consider a career in the media! We live in an era of instant news, digital marketing and online influencers. From print journalism and social media to news broadcasting and multimedia PR, it’s now possible to reach an audience through many different channels. If Continue reading..

Pg 184-185 Money Talks

Money Talks!

If you’re good with figures, a career in the financial sector could be for you! The finance industry is a key driver of the UK economy and a major employer. It’s estimated the industry accounts for 12% of the UK’s economic output and employs 2.2 million people. But while London has a reputation as the Continue reading..

Pg 196 Another Brick in the Wall

Another Brick in the Wall!

With more than 150 roles to choose from, there’s something for everyone in the construction industry! There’s more to construction than hard hats, boots and high-vis jackets. With more than two million people in various construction jobs, the industry is one of the biggest and most diverse in the UK. And with a drive to Continue reading..

Pg 204-205 No Place Like Home

No Place Like Home

Working in housing is all about helping people to have a decent living environment! Making sure people have a place to come home to is what makes a career in housing so rewarding. The housing industry offers a career that allows you to make a real difference to people’s lives on a practical and tangible Continue reading..

Pg 217 Engineer your Career

Engineer your Career

The UK needs to double the amount of engineering graduates by 2020 to meet demand. here’s why it’s a good career to get into! The UK government has designated 2018 as the Year of Engineering, indicating how seriously it is taking the need for fresh talent in this sector. Ministers recognise that a lack of Continue reading..

Pg 224-225 Tech Mate

Tech Mate

Technology is the fastest-growing industry in the UK and it has career opportunities and pay packets to match! Over the past decade, the way we communicate, exercise, shop and even find love has changed beyond recognition. And judging by the 46 million people in the UK who own a smartphone – predicted to rise to Continue reading..